My desire to teach was one of the strongest factors motivated me to join an academic setting. It is very important to me to be affiliated with the University of Waterloo that places a high priority on teaching and learning. Many of us have had, at some point in our lives, a wonderful teacher, one whose value, in retrospect, seems inestimable. For many of us the impact that a great teacher had on our lives is beyond words. I was lucky enough to have many amazing teachers throughout my educational journey, teachers who discovered my strength and helped me to grow, and who guided me to find a purpose in life.
My teaching philosophy is that learning can and should be fun and that students should participate and be the main part of the class. This is possible only if there is a strong relationship between the students and the teacher, a relationship that can increase the student’s motivation to a higher level.
Students should know what they have to learn, why they have to learn and how they can use their creativity in addition to their knowledge and skills.
BME 393 Digital systems (Winter term- every year)
BME 364 Engineering Biomedical Economics (Only taught- Fall 2019)
BME 386 The Physics of Medical imaging (Fall term- every year)
SYDE 780/ BME 587 Optics & Biomedical Optics (Fall term- every year)
BME 393 - Digital Systems -- Winter 2019
BME 364 - Engineering Biomedical Economics -- Fall 2019
BME 393 - Digital Systems -- Winter 2020